Which all first-time business owner grants are available to entrepreneurs in the USA?
Small business grants are provided to help you expand, reach out to new customers, and grow . Government agencies are among the biggest distributors of first-time business owner grants, supporting a range of enterprises. Though the grant money is not required to be repaid, it is not a handout, you need to meet certain eligibility criteria to win first time business owner grants. Most grants are awarded to businesses that innovate or contribute to a social cause. These are not immediate, and do not consider them as a short-term funding solution. Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer Program (STTR) are longstanding funding programs for research-based businesses with potential for commercialization . The US Economic Development Administration provides first time business owner grants , resources, and technical assistance for communities to support entrepreneurship and innovation. If your small business is engaged in scientific research and d...